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Gaza: During & After Agression

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News from Gaza: 12 August 2014 (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Thursday 14 August 2014
http://www.ibby.org/index.php?id=257 The IBBY library in Beit Hanoun was housed in the building of the al-Ataa Society. In April 2013 the IBBY President visited the centre in Beit Hanoun. He went with the President of IBBY Palestine, the President of the IBBY Trust and the IBBY Executive (...)

Les bibliothèques d’IBBY à Gaza / Agression Israélienne (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Thursday 7 August 2014
19/7/2014 Les régions des deux bibliothèques d’IBBY situées dans les zones frontalières (Rafah et Beit Hanoun) ont été lourdement bombardées par l’armée israélienne, des milliers de Palestiniens qui y vivent ont été déplacés. Les deux zones sont maintenant des zones militaires après l’invasion israélienne (...)

Compte rendu de IBBY concernant la situation actuelle à Gaza. (French) (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Thursday 7 August 2014
Lettre ouverte du Président de la Fondation IBBY Compte rendu de IBBY concernant la situation actuelle à Gaza. IBBY (The International Board on Books for Young people/Union internationale pour les livres de jeunesse, une association à but non lucratif créée pour développer la littérature pour la (...)

UPDATE IBBY Libraries in Gaza (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Tuesday 22 July 2014
Latest News UPDATE IBBY Libraries in Gaza19/7/2014 The two IBBY library areas that are border areas (Rafah and Beit Hanoun) have been heavily bombarded by Israeli military, thousands of Palestinians living there have been displaced. The two areas are now military zones after the Israeli land (...)

IBBY Statement Regarding the Current Situation in (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Tuesday 22 July 2014
IBBY Statement Regarding the Current Situation in Gaza The International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) was established shortly after the close of World War II. IBBY’s founder, Jella Lepman, believed that books could build bridges of understanding and peace between people. The (...)

A Land Fueled by People and Stones (Gaza: During & After Agression)

Monday 10 February 2014
This moving piece by writer Dima Sehwail written during the 2008-9 war on Gaza it was published in IBBY 33rd Congress book and of the few items read in one of the plenary sessions A land fueled by people and stones Faces of people in my country Their fingers Legs Hands And tongues will (...)

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