IBBY Children in Crisis Fund
Following on the success of IBBY’s Tsunami Appeal and the IBBY-Yamada Fund that supports our current project programme, the Executive Committee decided to create a programme called the IBBY Fund for Children in Crisis.
The purpose of this fund is to provide support for children whose lives have been disrupted through war, civil disorder or natural disaster. The two main activities that will be supported by the Fund are the therapeutic use of books and storytelling in the form of bibliotherapy, and the creation or replacement of collections of selected books that are appropriate to the situation. We hope the programme will not only provide immediate support and help, but that it will also make a long term impact in the communities, thus supporting IBBY’s goal of giving every child the Right to Become a Reader.
Based on predetermined criteria IBBY will select the communities where the projects will be funded. The basic criteria will include:
•the existence of a short or long term situation of crisis in the lives of the children of the community;
•the availability of a strong, capable IBBY section either in the affected or a neighbouring country and/or the presence of a capable IBBY partner;
•the strength of the project and its possible short and long term impact in fulfilling IBBY’s goals;
•the availability of money.
Children in Crisis in Palestine